The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent medical help.
The programs here are intended to be used as a reference, not a medical manual. The products and food suggestion are merely a general recommendation. It is not our suggestion that these programs will cure severe imbalance conditions, neither do we make claims that the products suggested in anyway to be used in place of medical advice from a licensed medical professional, nor are they to be used in the place of medication prescribed by a physician.
The saying "you are what you eat" is a powerful sentiment that must be used to guide you every time you enjoy food. You will reap the benefits or suffer the consequences of that decision, presently or in the future. Every day poses an opportunity to show that you are in full alignment with your desire to be more connected with the Universe. We will share many modalities, tools and modes of operation that will assist in this endeavor.
Healthy fat loss and wellness programs should not be complicated. Building simple, healthy habits over time is the key. Changing habits takes time, but many people who want to lose weight or improve their physical appearance want instant results. They end up cycling through various “quick-weight-loss” diets. Unfortunately, this approach has almost no chance...
The Sal-smoo challenge wants to improve the way you view morning meals that break -the- fast. Consuming live food, those that grow from seeds, will greatly enhance the overall biological functions of the body both internally and externally. Digesting clean raw energy immediately following your morning wake will turn on your metabolism, cleanse toxins (including fat),...
Netjeru Elixir is a delicious, energizing beverage that’s packed with nutrients from the earth and its waters. Netjeru has NO dairy, gluten, added sugar, preservatives, soy or artificial ingredients of any kind also non-pasteurized. Just pure goodness for your body.FEAST on Netjeru (Net-je-ru) Elixir for either 1, 3 or 5 days to energize your...
This Highly Anticipated Program will provide many resources teaching about the proactive care of your body. This Cleanse contains teas, capsules, powders and herbs geared toward resetting the body to heal itself naturally. Included is a meal plan for the duration (28-35 days) of the program which you can continue to use thereafter, because the...
The purpose of this program is to help you release waste that lingers in your body. As you lighten the load of toxins that cling to your cells, you will begin to clear your mind from clutter as well.How the 5-3-1 Flush program works: The program is easy, CLICK HERE TO VIEW 531 FLUSH JOURNAL. All...